
totally lost.

today, got new work schedules for next week and next month.
everything is totally out of my planning.

and i need/had to submit my resign letter by 29hb.

and after that, i will become a joblesss. congrats aini!

p/s: reason of resigning, i need to work until 3 am and i dont have a license and transport. i thought that i could depends on him until next month or until i got my driving license and car.oh, tell me.what should i do??


i love it

 a pairs of pink TOMS.

happy becoming birthday aini. wish you all the best in life.


i'm going craaaaaaazyy.

totally lost with myself.

p/s: already failed in both of my interview. T...............T


dear you part II

i'm sorry.
i'm sorry because i cant be good enough for you.