

what is your opinion about politics?

yes,i'm talking about Malaysia politics.

seriously, i'm zero knowledge about the politic.


i don't read paper. i hate the news. i just heard from my friends, boyfriend or etc.

but now, i love politics.:-)

p/s: got another interview but i'm still waiting for the first result interview.i hope there will be a miracle.oh please, i need that job.



when someone ask you.someone that you just know him/her for awhile.

do you have a boyfriend?
what will you said? will you said yes,totally yes.or maybe you said no because you are single.but if you are in a relationship,what will you tell him/her?

might be yes or maybe no.depends on that person that i met because i think this is some sort of personal question.

p/s: truly really hate the long distance relationship.oh please give me some strength to this relationship.



May 14, 2012.

the last day we had family gathering with my father.

May 17,2012.

i received a phone call from my sis. she said that my father passed away.

i love you dad.
i'm still can't believe that you already gone.
there is a lot of things that i couldn't done for you.
i miss our conversation.i miss you a lots.
i already came back father, i will start looking for a job at Terengganu. 

ya ALLAH, KAU tempatkanlah arwah ayahku di kalangan orang yang beriman. KAU ampunkan segala dosa ayahku.amin

p/s: like i always said, doctor is a liar. he said that my father's condition is good.i hate doctor!


last week, i'm having an interview.
seriously, i need a job now. why?because i'm jobless.
and after having that interview and after the briefing of the job scope, i'm truly very interested.damn much.

ya Allah, aku memohon kepada-MU semoga aku dipermudahkan untuk mendapat pekerjaan.amin.

p/s: still waiting for the result of interview.and tomorrow is my big day!